L E V I ' S 💥🔥💯📽⭐🤩❤⚽️🌍 YESSSSSSSSS 🔥🔥🔥 ABSOLUTELY BUZZING and super excited to share with you the Buy Better. Wear Longer Campaign for Levi's! Levi's MUNE Casting Agency What an absolute honour and privilege Marcus Rashford @c.syresmith @emmachamberlain @xiyebeara @melatiwijsen Levi's® Introduces a film showcasing what we can do together to combat over-consumption in the way me make things, the way we buy them, and how we wear them. The film features 6 changemakers who have made it their life’s work to make our world a better place to live. Meet the whole wave of changemakers: @c.syresmith: bringing water to those who need it most. @emmachamberlain: sharing the impact of upcycling. @marcusrashford: providing lunch for kids who need it. @xiyebeara: fighting for climate justice. @melatiwijsen: ridding Bali of its plastic problem. Learn more @ Truly humbled and Overwhelmed to have been a part of this Phenomenal Powerful Inspirational Incredible Production ... Massive biggest thank you to my Incredibly Hardworking Agents Rach, Sally and Jill at MUNE CASTING AGENCY and Massive Congratulations to you all at MUNE HQ .. So deserving.. you all work tirelessly and unconditionally to bring incredible jobs like this for us all... Absolute honour to be MUNE MAIN TALENT and represent your name with great pride and respect with such a huge amazing Brand ❤ for such an incredible campaign x Thank you so very much for this chance of a lifetime and every single adventure and opportunity I have with you... I had an absolute blast inset filming.. massive shout out to my fellow #munetalent #MuneMain #actors and friends Kizzie, Breylen, Broghan and Nia we all had incredible time x #Levis #BuyBetterWearLonger #MuneTalent #ProudToBeMUNE 9#MarcusRashford #LevisCampaign #MuneCasting #MuneAgency #JadenSmith #MelatiWijsen #XiyeBastida #EmmaChamberlain #Xiuhtezcatl #lamissahlashontae #actress #model #football #inspiring #ad #campaign #style #fashion #blogger #influencer #actor #activist #climatechange