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Lamissah La-Shontae BCA • Personal Invitation with Mayor and Mayoress Congratulating Medal Of Honour

Sharing with The Mayor and Mayor's Secretary and assistant permission. It's with absolute Honour and Privilege to be able to share with you all that im truly overwhelmed and humbled beyond words to say that i Lamissah La-Shontae BCA Received a personal invite last week to Visit Mayor and Mayoress Councillor Mark Townsend and Mrs Kerry Townsend at the Town Hall today at 1.30pm 22nd Nov 2021 for afternoon Refreshments and a Chat about My Official Title Lamissah La-Shontae BCA And all about my absolutely Incredible Inspirational Medal Of Honour British Citizen Award that i received at The House Of Lords at Palace Of Westminster in London last month 26th October 2021 WoW what an amazing worldwind.. Since recieving The Top National Award The British Citizen Award The Medal Of Honour for my Contribution As an ACTRESS, Model, Charity Campaigner, Role Model, Influencer, Blogger, motivational speaker, Public Figure and Inspirational Young lady.. So eternally grateful for my amazing School Shuttleworth College for giving me permission for A Half Day .. in School after receiving the personal invitation from The Mayor and Mayoress to the Town Hall. And for all their continued support. I had the most Incredible precious day.. one that i will treasure forever. I was made to feel extremely welcome, appreciated and dearly loved. The Mayor and Mayoress was truly remarkable, they was so full of praise, congratulating me on countless occasions.. saying how proud they was of my Dedication, Commitment and the determination to make a difference and change in this world, in our Society in being A Positive Role Model and Inspiration to young and old and for all the Incredible charity work, Fundraising and Raising Awareness tirelessly and Selflessly over the past 8 years. They was so interested in my journey.. How it all started.. My Acting Career.. My Movies and adventures in Modelling that has taken me all over the world and all my Charity Fundraising Events .. it was so nice for them to ask me and show interest and be so supportive .. They was super excited to hear all about my upcoming productions and projects! They was so endearing and caring. I was given a grand tour of the Chambers.. We chatted about almost our Charities, about the impact of Covid-19 its had on The Charities close and dear to our hearts etc... I was extremely happy to hear that one of Mayor Councillor Mark Townsend Charities was the Barry Kilby Prostate Appeal. I was extremely touched by this .. Mr Barry Kilby has been a huge supporter of Charity Campaigns growing up.. and even came along to my sponsored Roller Skate i was doing.. His love and support was endless.. (Image attached) and i will be giving something back and adding his Appeal Charity onto my list. It was amazing to be invited back to The Town Hall .. I was first invited back in May 2014 when i was only 6 years old and had just started out fundraising.. at the time the Mayor was Mr Andy Tatchell and Mayoress Mrs Lorna Tatchell (image attached) Being Burnley born and bread has been extremely fortunate to have alot of our Truly upstanding role models and Inspirations support me.. Mayor Mr Charles Briggs supported and donated to my Charity event too.. (image attached) including Andy Paiton Our BFC Legend .. Being Burnley born.. its paramount for me to try my best to keep positivity for my little hometown.. and keeping it on the map.! I'm truly honoured beyond words. I presented The Beautiful Mayoress Mrs Kerry Townsend with some flowers and gifts for Our Inspirational Mayor Councillor Mr Mark Townsend. We had photos taken by the Christmas Tree that had just been decorated and I would would like to thank Maureen Neave Assistant Democratic Services Officer for making the day so truly special indeed. I'm so passionate in Supporting In Mental Health, Abuse, Domestic Violence, Bullying amongst everything else I already do.. and im currently creating a Support Group covering all aspects from Internet Trolling to our everyday battles we are all living daily with coming soon, I'm constantly contacted from all ages, reaching out asking me for advice... all aspects which are so very important to me and most certainly causes that need supporting. Love Lamissah La-Shontae BCA



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